# Active Directory

The Active Directory Actions allow you to interact with Active Directory services, performing queries and managing objects. These actions work with specified Active Directory instances which are defined in a given scenario. Active Directory scenarios follow the below template.

  <!-- the domain name can match an Active Directory configured via the portal -->
  <!-- this is also the scenario name -->
  <domain name="_domain_name_">
    <controller name="_domain_controller_" username="_username_" password="_method1_encrypted_password_">
      <!-- if the first controller isn't operational, the connector will try the altcontroller with the same credentials, multiple altcontroller nodes can be added -->
      <altcontroller name="_backup_domain_controller_"></altcontroller>
  <!-- another scenario format where the scenario name isn't used as the domain name -->
  <scenario name="_scenario_name_">
    <domain name="_domain_name_">
      <controller name="_domain_controller_" username="_username_" password="_method1_encrypted_password_"></controller>

# Add User to Group

The Add User to Group action will add a user object to a group in Active Directory.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Group Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the group to add the user

User Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the user object to add to the group

# Create AD User

The Create AD User action will create a new user object in Active Directory.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Parent Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name for the container for the object


The CN for the user object

First Name

The First Name for the user object

Last Name

The Last Name for the user object

Display Name

The Display Name for the user object


The UPN for the user object

SAM Account Name

The SAM Account Name for the user object

New User Password

The password for the user object

Email Address

The email address for the user object

Variable for New User DN

A variable to store the resulting new user object DN

Variable: User was New or Existing

A variable to store a string result indicating if the user object already existed

# Remote Create AD User

The Remote Create AD User action extends the "Create AD User Action" with support for the PMG Relay Framework, which allows for creation of users in remote networks via the relay. The action provides the following additional options.

Remote Scenario

Defines the relay framework connection name defined within the "Execute As/PowerShell" scenarios.

Run Mode

This setting determines how the action will be executed.

  • New Process: The action will run within a separate execution scope, with the security context of the running service

  • New Process (As User): The action will run in as the user identity specified in the given scenario

# Create Computer

The Create Computer action will create a new computer object in Active Directory.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Parent Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name for the container for the object


The name for the new object


The description for the new object

Variable for New Computer DN

A variable to store the resulting new object DN

Variable: Computer was New or Existing

A variable to store a string result indicating if the requested object already existed

# Create Group or Org Unit

The Create Group or Org Unit action will create a new Group or Org Unit object in Active Directory.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Parent Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name for the container for the object


The name for the new object


The description for the new object

Group Type

Determines the type for the object. Choices are Security Group, Distribution Group, and Organizational Unit

Variable for New Group DN

A variable to store the resulting new object DN

Variable: Group was New or Existing

A variable to store a string result indicating if the requested object already existed

# Delete AD Computer

The Delete AD Computer action will remove a computer object from Active Directory.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

AD Computer Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name for the object to remove

# Delete AD Group

The Delete AD Group action will remove a group object from Active Directory.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

AD Group Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name for the object to remove

# Delete AD User Account

The Delete AD User Account action will remove a user object from Active Directory.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

AD Account Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name for the object to remove

# Execute LDAP Query

The Execute LDAP Query action performs ad-hoc LDAP read queries in the specified directory

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

One Record – The query returned one record

No Records – The query returned no records

Multiple Records – The query returned multiple records

Error – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Search Path

The LDAP search path for the query

Properties to Return

The LDAP properties to return for the matching objects

WHERE Clause

The LDAP where clause to limit matching objects

Max Records to Return

Specifies a limit to the number of records to return

Variable for storing query results

Provides a string variable option to store the query results

XML Variable

Allows a specified XML Variable to store the query results

# Get User's Groups

The Get User's Groups action returns a list of the user's groups from Active Directory. An example return document is below.

    <dn>CN=AnnaQAGroup,OU=__Anna OU,DC=pmgnet,DC=dev</dn>

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Has Groups – The query returned one or more groups

No Groups – The query returned no groups

Error – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

User Distinguished Name

The distinguished name for the user object to return groups

Variable for storing result of group list lookup

A target string variable to store the list of groups

XML Variable

A workflow object variable to store the results

# Get User’s Groups

The Get User’s Groups action performs will return the groups for a specified user object

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Has Groups – The object has groups

No Groups – The object has no groups

Error – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

User Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the User Object to find groups

Variable for storing result of group list lookup

Provides a string variable option to store the query results

XML Variable

Allows a specified XML Variable to store the query results

# Is User In Group

The Is User In Group action performs determines if a specified user is in a given group

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

True – The object is in the specified group

False – The object is not in the specified group

Error – An error occurred in performing the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Group Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the Group to determine if the user object is within

User Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the User Object to determine if in the specified group

Variable for storing result of group membership check (True/False)

A variable to store if the user was in the group. The result will be stored as True or False.

# Move User to OU

The Move User to OU action will move a user object to an OU

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The object was moved to the OU

Failure – The object could not be moved to the OU

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Org Unit Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the OU to move the object

User Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the User Object

Variable for New User DN

A string variable to store the resulting user new DN

# Query AD Object

The Query AD Object action will search for different AD object types based on given parameters

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The query executed without error

Failure – An error occurred during the query

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name for the object to find

User Principal Name (login)

The User Principal Name for the object to find

Name of Group/Org Unit OR SAMAccountName of User/Computer

The name of the object to use in the search

User Email Address

An email address to use for the object search

Properties to Query

Custom properties to query AD objects. Values are comma separated.

Value to Search For

A value to search for within the specified properties

Property Name

The Property Name to return

Object Type

The object type to search. Options are User Account, Security Group, Organizational Unit, Computer

Variable for Query Result

A string variable to store the query result

XML Variable

An XML variable name to store the result

# Remove User From Group

The Remove User From Group action will remove a user from a group

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred with the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Group Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the group to remove the user

User Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the user object to remove from the group

# Set User Enabled

The Set User Enabled action will enable a user object

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred with the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the user object to enable/disable

Set to Enabled/Disabled

A string value of Enabled or Disabled to enable or disable the user account

# Update Multiple AD Properties

The Update Multiple AD Properties action will set properties for a specified user object, using a custom XML document with name/value pairs, or a submitted AD User Object form values as input.

NOTE: This action is purpose built for updating AD properties from a Request Form. Please refer to the “Update Single AD Property” for more general-purpose usage.

To implement this action, set a Form AD Lookup with some fields set as editable, like the title field shown here, with a mapping name, like "AD_User" for this example.


Then, in the workflow set the SPE Mapping Name value to match the mapping name of the form field above.


When the action is ran, it will detect the changed field in the submitted form and will update the respective AD User title property.

Alternatively, the action can update multiple properties for an AD user object by manually generating the XML for the "AD User Data (XML)" field. An example XML document is provided below.


Note: changing some user object properties in AD will change the underlying DN.

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred with the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

AD User Data (XML)

An XML document containing the properties and values to update for the user object

SPE Mapping Name

The SPE Mapping Name for a submitted AD User Lookup form field containing the values to update for the specified user object

# Update Single AD Property

The Update Single AD Property action will set a property for a specified user object

Action Outputs: The action will output one of the following:

Success – The action executed without error

Failure – An error occurred with the action

Action Properties:

Domain Scenario

A domain scenario specifying which Active Directory to perform the activity

Distinguished Name

The Distinguished Name of the user object to update

AD Property Name

The AD Property Name to update for the user object

AD Property Value

The new value to use for the user object property